C# SDK for SCG Messaging APIs

This is the C# version of the SCG API. The SCG APIs provides access to communication channels using SMS, MMS, Push Notification, OTT messaging and Voice.

We have prepared a C# wrapper over the REST API for these services. The C# API use the asynchronous features introduced in C# 5 for maximum performance and code clearness.

The SDK require a .NET Standard 1.4 environment.

The C# SDK hides some of the REST API’s constraints, like lists being returned in logical pages of n records. With the C# SDK, the list method returns a generator that works with foreach().

Please register for a free account at https://developer.syniverse.com to get your API keys.

External dependencies

How to use the SDK

The C# SDK implements wrapper classes over the different Messaging API resources. Using these resource classes, you can create, get, update, list, replace and delete objects. Objects are mapped transparently between native C# classes (in the SDK) and json (when communicating with the REST API). In short, you use C# classes in your code.

Some examples

List all contacts

static void ListContacts(SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        var res = Contact.Resource(session);

        foreach (var contact in res.List())
            Console.WriteLine("Contact id {0},  mdn {1}",
                contact.Id, contact.PrimaryMdn);

This program will output something like:

Contact id 4AOXpg8dlXRCMXlWDUch73  mdn: 155560000002
Contact id vsXgkqhUW4eIwMColyevn7  mdn: 155589823057

Full example

Create a contact

You can create an object by calling Create() with an instance of the type you want to create initialized with the properties you require.

 static async Task AddContact(String firstName, String phone, SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        var contactRes = Contact.Resource(session);
        String id = await contactRes.Create(new Contact()
            FirstName = firstName,
            PrimaryMdn = phone

        Console.WriteLine("Added contact {0} with name {1}",
            id, firstName, firstName);

Full example

In this example, we just set the first name and the phone number.

The example will output some thing like:

Added contact 9wAy5ydl6dxg3mqjLLvHM with name Alice

Update a contact

In order to update an object, you first get an instance of the object using Get(). Then you change the desired properties, and call Update().

static async Task UpdateContact(String id, String newName, SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        var res = Contact.Resource(session);

        var contact = await res.Get(id);

        string oldName = contact.FirstName;
        contact.FirstName = newName;

        await res.Update(contact.Id, contact);

        Console.WriteLine("Updated the name for contact {0} from {1} to {2}",
            contact.Id, oldName, contact.FirstName);

Full example

Delete a contact

static async Task DeleteContact(String phoneNumber, SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        var res = Contact.Resource(session);

        // We have to use List() to search for the phone number. 
        // There should be at max one iteration of the loop.
        foreach (var contact in res.List(new Dictionary<String, String>()
                {"primary_mdn", phoneNumber }
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting contact {0} with mdn {1}",
                contact.Id, contact.PrimaryMdn);
            await res.Delete(contact.Id);

Full example

Error handling

Errors are reported trough exceptions. Please see the C# Newtonsoft.json library for reference. The SDK will throw a ScgApi.ExceptionRequestFailed exception if a request failed with a HTTP error response code.

Some more examples

Sending a SMS to a GSM number

static async Task SendSms(String senderId, String receipient, String body, SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        var res = MessageRequest.Resource(session);
        String id = await res.Create(new MessageRequest()
            From = "sender_id:" + senderId,
            To = new List<String>() { receipient },
            Body = body

        Console.WriteLine("Created message request {0}", id);

Full example

Sending a Message to a Contact

This works as above, except for the to field in create.

String id = await res.Create(new MessageRequest()
        From = "sender_id:" + senderId,
        To = new List<String>() { "contact:" + receipient },
        Body = body

Sending a Message to a Group

Here we will create two new contacts, a new group, assign the contacts to the group, and then send a message to the group.

static async Task SendSmsToGroup(String senderId, String aliceMdn, 
            String bobMdn, String body, SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        // Create a group
        var grpRes = ContactGroup.Resource(session);
        String friendsId = await grpRes.Create(new ContactGroup()
            Name = "Friends"

        // Create two contacts
        var contactRes = Contact.Resource(session);
        String aliceId = await contactRes.Create(new Contact()
            FirstName = "Alice",
            PrimaryMdn = aliceMdn
        String bobId = await contactRes.Create(new Contact()
            FirstName = "Bob",
            PrimaryMdn = bobMdn

        // Add the contacts to the group
        await grpRes.AddContact(friendsId, aliceId);
        await grpRes.AddContact(friendsId, bobId);

        // Send the message request
        var resMrq = MessageRequest.Resource(session);
        String mrqId = await resMrq.Create(new MessageRequest()
            From = "sender_id:" + senderId,
            To = new List<String>() { "group:" + friendsId },
            Body = body

        Console.WriteLine("Created message request {0} to group {1}", 
            mrqId, friendsId);

Full example

Sending a MMS with an attachment

static async Task<String> CreateAndUploadAttachment(Session session, String path)
    var res = Attachment.Resource(session);
    var id = await res.Create(new Attachment()
        Name = "test_upload",
        Filename = "cutecat.jpg",
        Type = "image/jpeg"

    await res.Upload(id, path);

    Console.WriteLine("Created attachment {0}", id);
    return id;

static async Task SendMms(String senderId, String receipient, String body, 
            String attachmentPath, SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        var res = MessageRequest.Resource(session);
        String id = await res.Create(new MessageRequest()
            From = "sender_id:" + senderId,
            To = new List<String>() { receipient },
            Body = body,
            Attachments = new List<string>()
                await CreateAndUploadAttachment(session, attachmentPath)

        Console.WriteLine("Created message request {0}", id);

Full example

Checking the state of a Message Request

static async Task CheckState(String messageRequestId, SessionOptions opts)
    using (var session = new Session(opts))
        var res = MessageRequest.Resource(session);

        var mrq = await res.Get(messageRequestId);

        Console.WriteLine("Message request {0} has state {1}",
            mrq.Id, mrq.State);

        foreach (var msg in res.ListMessages(mrq.Id))
            Console.WriteLine("  Message {0} has state {1}",
                msg.Id, msg.State);

The example below may output something like:

Message request XW4NtdPXDwnOKqWuhKYHL3 has state COMPLETED
  Message IyOOfnAURiXVXbjrjeh9F1 has state SENT

Full example